Upcoming Events
30th / 31st January - Teacher Only Days
1st February - First day for 2024
6th February - Waitangi Day public holiday
8th February - Open Evening 3:30pm - 6:30pm
14th-16th February - Year 5 and 6 Camp
21st-23rd February - Year 3 and 4 Camp
28th February - Swimming Sports
7th-8th March - Year 1 and 2 Camp
29th March - Good Friday
1st - 2nd April - Easter
12th April - Last Day of Term
Term 2
29th April - First day of Term 2
17th May - Disco
3rd June - King's Birthday (No School)
7th June - Teacher Only Day
27th June - Midwinter Swim
28th June - Matariki (No School)
5th July - Talent Show Final & Last Day of Term
Term 3
22nd July - First day of Term 3
30th July - PLP Meetings
14th August - Cross Country and Colour Fun Run
28th August- Bream Bay Cross Country
29th August - Open Day at Otamatea High School for Y6 students.
30th August - Daffoldil Day
6th September - Disco
27th September - Grandparent's Day & last day of Term 3