Maungaturoto Primary School policies
Nag 1 - Cyber safety Policy.pdf
Nag 2 - Board Roles and Responsibility Policy.pdf
NAG 2 Self review Plan 2.pdf
Nag 1 - Procedures Cypersafe Agreement.pdf
Nag 2 - Code of Conduct for Members.pdf
Nag 3 - Equal Employment Opportunities.pdf
Nag 1 - Student Year Level Allocation Procedure.pdf
Nag 2 - Chair Role Description Policy.pdf
Nag 3 - Performance Management.pdf
Nag 3 - Financial Management Policy and Procedures (1).pdf
Nag 3 - Classroom Release Time Policy.pdf
Nag 3 - Staff Appointment .pdf
Nag 3 - Allotment of Units.pdf
Nag 3 - Board of Trustees Training.pdf
Nag 2 - Education Outside of The Classroom Policy.pdf
Nag 3 - Protected Disclosure Policy.pdf
Nag 2 -Self Review Policy.pdf
Nag 2 - Treaty of Waitangi Policy.pdf
Nag 3 - Complaints Policy .pdf
Nag 1 - Maori Achievement and Consultation Policy.pdf
Nag 6 - Visitors to School Policy.pdf
Use of School Grounds and Facilities Outside of School Hours PDF.pdf
Use of School Grounds and Facilities Outside of School Hours.pdf
Nag 6 - PTA Policy.pdf
Nag 3 - Staff Discipline Policy.pdf
Nag 4 - Theft and Fraud Prevention.pdf
Nag 5 - Emergency Plan.pdf
Nag 5 - Emergency Procedures Wall Display.pdf
Nag 4 - Property Management Policy.pdf
Nag 6 - Animal Welfare Policy.pdf
Nag 5 - Sun Smart.pdf
Nag 5 Emergency Procedures wall Display.pdf
Nag 5 - Maungaturoto School First Aid Policy.pdf
Nag 5 - Health and Safety Policy .pdf
Nag 5 - Suspected Child Abuse Procedure.pdf
Nag 5 - Health and Safety Policy - Injury Investigation.pdf
Nag 5 - Child Protection Policy and Procedures.pdf